Utilizing Laundry Straps for Prison and Correctional Laundry: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?

Laundry Loops Straps Orange for inmates

Laundry Straps for Prison and Correctional Laundry: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?


For decades, most prison and correctional laundry has utilized mesh laundry bags in their inmate laundry service area.  Mesh laundry bags come in many qualities, sizes and colors and with multiple types of closures for the tops, to keep the bags closed.  In the past 10 years or so, some correctional departments are trying a newer way of washing laundry and moving away from mesh laundry bags to laundry straps, or loops as the sometimes referred to.

Laundry straps loop through inmate laundry allowing more agitation and cleaning by washing freely.  In a mesh bag, items are often not washed well due to overstuffed bags. The straps are available in over 25 colors.  Each strap comes with an ID tag sewn onto it allowing for inmate id.  If you wish to use a more permeant id solution, we offer sublimated id tags that will not wash out of the id and have shown to last up to 600 washes.  Using your excel spreadsheet, we can sew on the inmate cell numbers or id that you use onto the straps/loops. The Texon laundry strap also comes with sock attachments to hold the socks of the  inmates.

ROI on laundry straps comes in two forms:  Faster extraction times in the washing machines, and faster drying times in the dryers, which leads to less energy used.  Laundry straps often dry in half the time of a mesh bag.  Secondly, there have been many dangerous and expensive laundry fires reported over the years due to overheating issues and using loops has been shown to prevent this.

If you have any questions on laundry straps for inmate laundry please reach out to the Texon staff for samples or to place an order.