Why Cleaning Crews Love Using Buckets of Gym Wipes

Bucket Of Gym Wipes

For a busy gym or team workout facility, nothing is more important than cleanliness and convenience. That’s where buckets of gym wipes come in.

Your cleaning team needs a quick and easy way to stay on top of the sweat, grime, and germs that can collect on equipment and common surfaces where people exercise.

Read on to learn the benefits of using wipes from a bucket, and how this economical solution can help you clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces in your gym with greater ease.

What Makes Using a Bucket of Gym Wipes So Simple?

Using gym wipes in your facility can help you reduce equipment maintenance costs, improve member satisfaction, and prevent the spread of germs and other dangerous pathogens.

What Are Gym Wipes?

The benefit of using gym wipes from a bucket is convenience. You can strategically place a bucket in any area where your team members or clients are spending a lot of time working out, like the cardio equipment area, weight benches, or warmup area. This allows your members or cleaning crew to quickly grab a wipe between workouts and keep surfaces clean for the next person.

The main benefit of wipe buckets is their portability. They’re not only great for use in gyms, but you can easily take them on the road for sporting events or competitions.

The benefits of Texon’s bucket of gym wipes are:

  • They’re designed to protect wipes from drying out
  • The lids and pails are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
  • They fit snugly inside bucket stands
  • They’re stackable for convenient storing

You can make gym wipes even more convenient and keep your facility neat and tidy with a wipes stand, like the Helix bucket stand for gym wipes. It easily displays your bucket and includes a built-in trash bin, so people can throw their used wipes away when they’re done.

How Do You Use a Bucket of Gym Wipes Properly?

A bucket of gym wipes is an excellent solution for ease of wiping down gym equipment, door handles, and other high-touch surfaces.

When cleaning, remove one towelette from the bucket of gym wipes and wipe the surface until it appears visibly wet. Allow the disinfected surface to air dry. Then, dispose of the used wipe in the trash. The wipes are designed to be disposable, so use each towelette only once.

When you’re done, wash your hands with soap and water to remove any lingering residue. You typically don’t need to wear disposable gloves, but if you have extra sensitive skin, you may want to wear them when cleaning.

What are the Different Types? How Are They Used?

Different types of buckets of gym wipes are appropriate for different uses. Some wipes safely clean away sweat and dirt, while others are formulated to disinfect or sanitize surfaces and kill germs.

Cleaning Gym Wipes

Cleaning wipes are used to remove grime, allergens, debris, and dust from objects and surfaces. They’re typically saturated with detergent or soapy water. They are also alcohol-free, making them gentler on surfaces and skin. It’s important to note that cleaning wipes aren’t designed to kill germs like sanitizing and disinfecting wipes.

Sanitizing Gym Wipes

If a bucket of gym wipes is labeled “sanitizing”—like Texon’s Advantage sanitizing wipes—it is FDA approved to remove 99.9% of common germs on hands and skin. They contain no alcohol, bleach, ammonia, phenol, or hydrogen peroxide. Their non-toxic formula is safe for skin and surfaces.

Disinfecting Gym Wipes

Manufacturers make disinfecting wipes by moistening towels with a formula of disinfecting chemicals. This formula is specially designed to eliminate illness-causing germs and pathogens from surfaces. In their cleaning and disinfecting best practices, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends looking for products that include an EPA registration number, like Texon’s Force 2 Disinfecting Wipes.

What Happens When Your Bucket Runs Out of Wipes?

The best thing about a bucket of gym wipes is how much longer it will last you than the smaller canisters. That means your team has to spend less time constantly refilling the wipes.

It’s also more economical. The more wipes per roll, the better the bargain. That’s why buying in bulk will give you the most wipe for your buck.

Our convenient dispensing gym wipes bucket with lid can be refilled again and again. Our gym wipes refills provide a cost-effective solution for replenishing your supply.

Shop Texon and Save When You Buy in Bulk

Gyms and sports teams across the nation trust Texon Athletic Towel and Supply to keep their facilities stocked with high-quality cleaning and laundry supplies. Give us a call today at (855) 401-7623, and let us know how we can help you.

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